Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday - Red and Green

Well today was another busy day of decorating the house and preparing for Christmas. With today's photo week theme being Red and Green I tried to capture our Christmas tree with the red skirt under it. So we finally got our tree up, it is about time right.

A new added decoration this year is the two wreaths I bought for our double front doors. I really like just a simple wreath and I was excited to find hooks already in the door from a previous own.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Photo Week - Saturday

So today's theme was sparkle and spirit which I am pretty excited about. I got the notice late though so I ran around to capture the things I could. I had the perfect opportunity earlier today when my husband pulled out the Christmas lights to put up. He seemed to be very mesmerized by a wad of lights plugged in. It was pretty cool and I wish now that I had taken a picture. Oh well, here is what I came up with instead. I spent the majority of the day baking cookies for the family and friends so here they are. More to come tomorrow. This is the first time I made these candy cane cookies and they did not come out the way I would like. They are fatter than I would like however they taste great and that is more important anyway right.

Since I couldn't get a picture of the lights balled up I thought I would take a picture of them up. Dale and Alex spent most of the day working on the roof and I must say it looks pretty good. I like the fact that they were out of the house too so they would not eat all the cookies as I baked them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day three - Gratitude

I am grateful for soul mates.

Not a great picture but it gets the point across. A loving family, what more can you ask for.

Day two - Exploration

Today's theme is Exploration. This is one of my favorite pictures I took of my niece. She is 4 and when you are 4 you are always exploring new things. I was trying to teach her to play pool which of course is new to her so she didn't quite get it. She still managed to look cute though.

Photo Week - Acceptance

So photo week is off and day one is all about acceptance. Acceptance has been a big are of my life for the last couple of years. As some of you know I married Dale whom has two kids from a previous marriage. For the first two years of my marriage I wanted nothing more than to be accepted by my step-kids. It took some patience over the years but I feel like I am finally accepted. Once I saw the first days theme being acceptance I immediately thought of my step-daughter so this is a picture of her and her dad. I think acceptances was the hardest for her.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rainy Day Projects

OK so if you don't know I have been working on a backyard fire pit with a paving stone patio surrounding it to enjoy the wonderful cool fall, spring and summer nights. With hopes of finishing this long project this past weekend I was a little bummed when it was raining outside making it impossible to work on my patio. So with Halloween coming up I thought I would pull out some paints and paint a pumpkin for the front door. Of course I had to get Dale's opinion on a scary face to create. So here is my final product which I am hoping will last a while. It turned out a little darker than I would have liked but it still looks alright.

Here is another thing I painted since I had the paint out and the rain was still coming down. I bought this rock out the Covered Bridge Festival this year but it only said SOX. I really wanted to add a little something to show it is the White Sox. So since Dale is the big White Sox fan I decided to let him pick what he wanted. So I added the baseball along with the Sox official lettering and Dale totally loved it. I am pretty impressed with our new fire pit decoration as well. Of course a Red Sox one will be made to accompany this White Sox rock as well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday - Smell

Today is smell so here you have it.

A beautiful smelling flower with an added bonus.
Someone burning brush or trash in their yard. This smelled so bad by the way so it was perfect for picture day.
Tomorrow is touch so bring it on.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday - Sound

So today's photos have to do with the sense of sound.

I stopped by a trading post today and found this cute cow wind chime on their porch. Too bad the trading post was not open so I could look at some more wind chimes.

This is a picture of Alex's sweet stereo in his room. I never thought I would see the day when I would say turn that crap down.

Here is something I pass every day and never really noticed until Dale pointed it out one day. This is a sever weather siren which you might hear when it is super windy depending on how far you are away from it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday - Taste

OK so today is the sense of taste which can be kind of tricky to catch in a photo but here are my thoughts and ideas from the day.
This is a picture of rain from the day on my car. Rain can make your day gloomy unless you get out and have some fun dancing in it. If you have ever gotten out and jumped in a puddle in the rain then chances are you have opened your mouth to try a taste of some rain.
Here are some yummy sweets which always make my taste buds go crazy for more.

Here is the perfect pickle waiting for a sandwich to make a complete meal. I finally found a pickle I could buy in a store that tasted just like one you got in a restaurant so you know I had to take a picture for taste day.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Photo Week Begins with - Sight

OK so today starts off another fun photo week or should I say sense week. This week, photo week has been taken to another level. We are exploring all five senses this week starting off with sight. Sight to me is my most important. I feel it is my portal to the world and allows me to enjoy and appreciate all things around me. I have always thought if I was born without my sight I would be ok and still have a wonderful life. However as I am getting older and my sight is getting worse it makes me appreciate what I do have. There is so much I would miss at this point in my life if my sight was gone. So to show my appreciation to senses and photo week here are my photos.
I decided to take a picture of Dale's eyes because I love them so much. OK I know it is a little sappy but still it is what I feel.

Here is a picture I think looks pretty cool. I managed to catch the sun through the trees in my back yard. I would definitely miss sun sets and rises if I ever lost my sight.

I thought this was a beautiful picture of a rose from my rose bush. My rose seems to be in full bloom right now with about 5 full blooming roses and another 5 or 6 about to bloom. Roses are my favorite flower and this particular rose bush was a 2nd year anniversary gift from Dale.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday - Action day

Well today is action day and I really didn't have much action in my day. I did manage to take a walk along the canal and found a few things.

This is a fountain that sits along the canal.

Here is a picture of the busy city. Everyone always hurrying to get where they need to go.

Here is a nice shot of a flag on top our capital. Today was such a nice day to be outside taking pictures so I am glad we have photo week.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday - Portrait day

Here is a picture I took of Dale getting his hair cut. I thought the pencil sketch effect would be a nice touch for making it more like a portrait.

This is a classic portrait pose except I took the gang from my younger years. These are my friends Alex and Stewart which came into my life at a very young age. Needless to say they have always been there for me.

This portrait is called "A fishs world". This little guys name is Bastard and he lives in my hairdressers salon. Leave it to him to call him Bastard.

This is a portrait of my hairdresser and I. He dresses pretty fancy don't you think. OK OK this is a picture of Dale and I and no he doesn't cut my hair. I am sure it would be all uneven if he did. But he looks like he knows what he is doing doesn't he.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday - Macro day

OK so today is macro day which might be my favorite but we will see. It is my favorite because it allows me to be silly and creative. So here are some fun things I chose around my house.

I found this elephant in my backyard just walking around. OK I didn't really find it, a very good friend of mine brought this back from visiting her family in India. I love this hand carved elephant. Just a little trivia if you receive a elephant with a raised trunk it is suppose to bring you luck. So I hope someone gives you a elephant with a raised trunk.

This is a picture of spiderman coming to save the day. Alex (my-step son) has gotten into my photo week and let me take a picture of the spiderman which lives in his room. He said he likes to play with it when he is suppose to be doing homework. I would say I need to watch him on this but he is a straight A student so you just can't do anything.

This one might be a little disturbing but I love goofy. He is by far my favorite Disney character and when I was younger I would always be compared and called goofy. So this little guy hangs from my mirror in my bathroom and greets me every morning when I wake up.

I thought this would be a great picture to take with Halloween right around the corner. Candy corn is always a seasonal favorite.

I had to take this picture because the Boston Red Sox are the all time best team ever.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Photo Week begins

OK so today is the beginning of photo week and I am very excited about it. Monday is Landscape day however today was a very dreary day. So I though maybe I would go through my photos of trips and pick out my favorite ones because you know you always take picture of the landscape when you are on Vacation.

OK so this one was actually taken today because this is my neighborhood. I love entering my neighborhood to see the mature trees arching over the road.

I took this picture a few years ago when I went to visit my brother in Vermont. This is the Quechee Gorge in Quechee VT. Very beautiful to see if you ever get the chance.

This picture was taken on the Killington ski slopes in Vermont. I grew up skiing these slopes every weekend so this picture brings back memories of those times.

OK so I think this looks like a post card however I actually took this picture. This is another picture I took while skiing in Vermont.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Color week ends with Blue Friday

Sweet blue paddle boats on the Canal

Sweet airplane spotted in Vernon IN. Thanks for the stop Greg your the best even if you couldn't see it.

House in the neighborhood with nice blue shingles

House with blue star and door out in the middle of BFE.
This has been a great week of taking picture of different things I see each day. I love the idea Steph and Amy you guys are awesome with the ideas. I can't wait to see what week will come next. I loved checking out everyone else's photos too. We have some talented people around. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Color Week - Thursday Green

My favorite childhood character Marvin the Martian

Some milk weed we found on the side of the road just north of Shelby Indiana. Oh how it brought back some childhood memories.

Dan's 25 cent bouncy ball he got today. What a great buy!!!

Ahhh the beautiful green rack of bowling balls at the bowling alley

Good old high school colors. Oh the memories.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Color Week Wednesday - Yellow Day

Woodstock just reading his favorite book. aaarghhh

Nothing but gummi love.

These are called a Asiatic Hybrid which is a type of lily. This picture was taken in Spruce Pine North Carolina.

Only in Carmel would you see a yellow fire hydrant with a blue ring.