Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday - Macro day

OK so today is macro day which might be my favorite but we will see. It is my favorite because it allows me to be silly and creative. So here are some fun things I chose around my house.

I found this elephant in my backyard just walking around. OK I didn't really find it, a very good friend of mine brought this back from visiting her family in India. I love this hand carved elephant. Just a little trivia if you receive a elephant with a raised trunk it is suppose to bring you luck. So I hope someone gives you a elephant with a raised trunk.

This is a picture of spiderman coming to save the day. Alex (my-step son) has gotten into my photo week and let me take a picture of the spiderman which lives in his room. He said he likes to play with it when he is suppose to be doing homework. I would say I need to watch him on this but he is a straight A student so you just can't do anything.

This one might be a little disturbing but I love goofy. He is by far my favorite Disney character and when I was younger I would always be compared and called goofy. So this little guy hangs from my mirror in my bathroom and greets me every morning when I wake up.

I thought this would be a great picture to take with Halloween right around the corner. Candy corn is always a seasonal favorite.

I had to take this picture because the Boston Red Sox are the all time best team ever.